Thursday, September 07, 2006

1N 2006 (Give ur best in all you do)

Hie there Class 1N,

Sorry for being so late in putting these up. To prevent other people from grabbing your pictures without permission I've put them into a slideshow. You can email me at to send you the pictures k.

It's been a wonderful pleasure teaching you all. I remember very clearly what I shared with you people. Your behaviour & attitude really impressed me class. Keep up the good work. And remember who ultimately benefit in the end? It's your character!

Watch your thoughts ; they become words.
Watch your words ; they become actions.
Watch your actions ; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character .
Watch your character; it becomes your DESTINY!

RockYou slideshow | View | Add Favorite


Wai Mun said...

Hmm a nice reminder that we need to B +ve in our thoughts + words + actions.

This is especially important given that the world can be -ve at times and we can get suck into the -ve spirit =(

Therefore, class 1N, may u start the new term next week by being a DESTINY MAKER => Bring a SMILE =) to someone by
- Sowing +ve thoughts
- Saying +ve words
- Encouraging each other