Face it!!! I'm converted! I love my new phone!
1) It's coolz
2) It enables me to be connected to the latest news. (I can finally read the papers regularly with this new power phone. No more complains of not being able to sit down & read the papers cuz I need to rush out of the house
3) Some of the iPhone apps are really useful and fun. E.g. TransGuide, Dictionary, Bejeweled2 etc
But then again, there are also downside and dangers with such a power phone.
A) Parents don't blur blur just get the phone for your kids. Some of the apps are adult-content and not suitable for children. *shake head*
B) My new Singtel plan is TOTALLY EXPENSIVE....................SOBS....................... 1st bill is already a shocking $112...
So there are always pros and cons. Do your research first before jumping in to the iPhone craze!!!!
If you want to see what you've never seen before, you've got to do what you've never done before.
Kermit's Cyber Wellness Pals
Kermit's Frens
- Anyone Can Cook (3)
- beauty (2)
- Coping with the Digital Era (7)
- Cyber Wellness (2)
- Encouragement (3)
- Funnies (8)
- Gal 2 Gals (16)
- Happening Life (19)
- News around the World (1)
- Random (7)
- relationship (12)
- The World is Smaller Than U Think (15)
- This is interesting (29)
- Treasuring ur family (13)
Shout it Out!!!
Helpers beware! :D
*Had a good laugh over it!
Labels: Funnies
Singapore won't repeal homosexual law
A recent ruling by the New Delhi High Court legalising gay sex between consenting adults in India raised questions on whether Singapore might go the same way. Both countries share the same Penal Code, inherited from the colonial British.
In a dialogue with Punggol residents on Sunday, Mr Shanmugam said Section 377 will remain as homosexuality is still not accepted by most Singaporeans.
He said: "We have the law. We say it won't be enforced. Is it totally clear? We, sometimes in these things, have to accept a bit of messiness. And the way the society is going, we don't think it's fair for us to prosecute people who say that they are homosexual."
But he said that while the government will not take the lead in repealing the law, the legal courts in Singapore have the power to decide how Section 377 is interpreted and applied.
Mr Shanmugam, who is also the Second Minister for Home Affairs, said the government will play a more active role in other areas, such as creating ways for new citizens and Permanent Residents to interact with the community.
- CNA/ir
What do you want to be remember for after you die?
Michael was indeed a pop icon that was widely remember for his contribution to music & pop. Though there were many "not so nice news" of him in recent years but there are many more good things to remember him by ya.
"Black Or White"
I Took My Baby On A Saturday Bang
Boy Is That Girl With You
Yes We're One And The Same
Now I Believe In Miracles
And A Miracle Has Happened Tonight
But, If You're Thinkin' About My Baby
It Don't Matter If You're Black Or White
They Print My Message In The Saturday Sun
I Had To Tell Them I Ain't Second To None
And I Told About Equality
An It's True
Either You're Wrong Or You're Right
But, If You're Thinkin' About My Baby
It Don't Matter If You're Black Or White
I Am Tired Of This Devil
I Am Tired Of This Stuff
I Am Tired Of This Business
Sew When The
Going Gets Rough
I Ain't Scared Of Your Brother
I Ain't Scared Of No Sheets
I Ain't Scare Of Nobody
Girl When The Goin' Gets Mean
[L. T. B. Rap Performance]
Protection For Gangs, Clubs And Nations
Causing Grief In Human Relations
It's A Turf War On A Global Scale
I'd Rather Hear Both Sides Of The Tale
See, It's Not About Races
Just Places Faces, Where Your Blood Comes From
Is Where Your Space Is, I've Seen The Bright
Get Duller
I'm Not Going To Spend My Life Being A Color
Don't Tell Me You Agree With Me
When I Saw You Kicking Dirt In My Eye
But, If You're Thinkin' About My Baby
It Don't Matter If You're Black Or White
Labels: This is interesting
First celebrity swine flu (H1N1) fatality!!!
And do you know who gave it to him?
Labels: Funnies
This is hilarious! People who want it all yet so GIAM!!! Thanks to JW for the link! :)
Natas Singapore Women's Everest Team members, pharmaceutical- product specialist Lee Li Hui, 27, copywriter Esther Tan, 26, and studentdevelopment officer Jane Lee, 25, were part of an international group which reached the top of Mount Everest between 3.45am and 4.53am yesterday, Nepal time (6am and 7.08am Singapore time).
The trio are the first Singapore women to reach the summit of the world's tallest peak, at 8,848m.
The team then split into two so that they could have a higher chance of success.
Labels: Encouragement, Gal 2 Gals
(Taken from Reader's Digest Feb 2009 issue)
Eating slowly can help you slim down!
A study of more than 3000 Japanese adults published in the British Medical Journal found that those who ate their meals quickly were about twice as likely to be obese as their slow-munching counterparts.
OMG!!! This is so funny! :)
Then again, I really empathize with parents these days. With their children on "machines" e.g. PSP, computer, DS-lite, mobile phone etc etc... It's not easy to get their attention.
Children: Your parents wants to connect with you!!
Parents: Don't give up!!! Keep on engaging your kids! Look at the cartoon, that's the extent the guy took. All because he love his kids!!! When there is a will, there is a way!!!!
Was reading something by Gordon MacDonald in "When Men Think Private Thoughts" & this portion I read was very meaningful & doesn't seem like something exclusive to guys so I'm going to share a little here. Hope it benefits you as it did me!
What Storm Signals Means (Alarm bells within self that signals trouble is brewing - do a check for yourself here)1) Moods
- Watch out for bursts of anger, prolonged bouts of sadness & continuing feelings of irritation that goes beyond the normal.
- Are you overcome with intense sadness? Are you able to celebrate with someone in his success? Why do you see gloom & bleakness in every possibility?
- It would be good to reflect upon your changing moods & what they really mean. And it would have been the right moment for a courageous fren to step in & question you & your abnormal moods & behaviour.
2) Predominant thoughts
- Thoughts that are almost always out of control. Thoughts that emerge without warning.
- Why are these uninvited thoughts growing in frequency & variety? What is the underlying message?
3) A change in key relationships
- If I find myself jealous of other peoples whose fortunes have advanced beyond my own, if I begin to think of people competitively as better than or not as good as I am, etc etc, I am getting some fairly strong signals that something in my soul has gone sour...
4) Defensiveness
-We're dealing with storm signals when we react to difficult moments with defensiveness, complaining, or whining.
- I'm defensive when I resist any attempts to evaluate my work or my life - performance. I refuse to listen, to consider that anyone might offer a different outlook on what I'm doing or becoming. Thus, I become angry or make excuses or try to deflect the blame to someone else.
- Difficulty in listening to difficult news about self. You want to give one excuse after another. You spend more time trying to explain yourself than you do listening & asking where the point of truth might be. 5) Sleeplessness
Taking the time, the effort, the opening of the ear & eye to hear & watch the stomr signals that send their messages to us that something is wrong, that something needs correction, that something needs assistance. In so doing the hurricanes are tamed, & life goes on in greater fullness & maturity. ~ Gordon MacDonald
Labels: Random, This is interesting
Don't let the world define for you what is beauty. What you see to be real is really just a lie. "Fooled by what we "see"!
At the end of the day, be true to yourself. And not blindly follow what the world brainwashes you to believe. Else we'll end up just a sad final product of advertising lies.
Charm can be deceiving, and beauty fades away, but a woman who honors the LORD deserves to be praised.
Labels: beauty, Gal 2 Gals