Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hooray for S'pore women!

AS DAWN broke over the Himalayas yesterday, three tired Singaporean women stepped on top of the world - and into the pages of Singapore's history books.

Natas Singapore Women's Everest Team members, pharmaceutical- product specialist Lee Li Hui, 27, copywriter Esther Tan, 26, and studentdevelopment officer Jane Lee, 25, were part of an international group which reached the top of Mount Everest between 3.45am and 4.53am yesterday, Nepal time (6am and 7.08am Singapore time).

The trio are the first Singapore women to reach the summit of the world's tallest peak, at 8,848m.

The three women who reached the summit are making their way down and are expected to reach Base Camp in two to three days. The team's initial push for the summit last week was foiled by bad weather.

The team then split into two so that they could have a higher chance of success.

Singaporeans my paper spoke to were proud about the women's achievement.

Over 10 posts on the team's Facebook page yesterday included comments like: "You are an inspiration to all of us" and "Well done for flying that flag for us!"

Youth worker Ian Wong, 32, told my paper: "It's a remarkable feat. Such displays of passion by Singaporeans are rare and worthy of celebration."

Lifestyle-programmes executive Gracie Ngoi, 26, who is also a friend of the team members, said: "It's very empowering for Singapore women. They show that we women are capable of achieving great things."


Kermit's BF said...

Hmm... Maybe I should make it a goal in life to scale Mt Everest! Sounds cool and fun!

Let me conquer Mt Kinabalu in June first.. haha...