Thursday, August 09, 2007

Dreams - Elusive or Within Reach

Met up with a fren recently. Lynn & I didn't know each other for long but we hit off pretty well. She was going overseas to study really soon so we arranged to meet up, have a drink before she files off to pursue her dream.
She's going off for two years in Switzerland to study watch-making. Isn't that cool cool cool! It's not really the kind of profession that would come immediately to the mind of a typical Singaporean. Most of us dream about being a doctor, businessman, teacher, banker, dentist, actor etc etc.

I asked Lynn why she chose that course and she says that it was a chance opportunity that that she heard of the course from a close church friend. Incidentally around the same period of time she found out about a distant relative of hers who has been in the industry. She tried it out a little at his place, feels that it suits her personality; considered about it, discussed with her parents and mentors, flew over to Switzerland for the entry test and passed the interview. (Not everyone have a knack for handling watches you know!) And the rest is history.

Here's the link for your reference.
WOSTEP (Watchmakers of Switzerland Technical & Educational Program): a unique institution in its field. WOSTEP is an independent and neutral institution that is recognised as an exemplary training centre in the field of watchmaking. The WOSTEP courses can be held in English, French, German and Italian.

I admire her courage and daring to step out of her comfort zone. How many of us truly have a dream and know what we want? I can't even say that I already know that for myself. Well, I know what I don't want and roughly what I want. But to really really confidently say I know my dream... not really really yet. It's complicated. Ya, it is. So start thinking about it early! You're never too late. At least don't drag anymore. At least you have chance to trial and error along the way.

Go for it young people. Explore your various strenghts, interests & talents early. (Yes to study hard but don't just mug in the sea of books all the time) It will help you in making some decisons along the way. :)

We're all unique and brought up in different environment so don't expect everyone to have the same dream as you or if yours need to be the same as them. If yours is non conventional it aint't mean you're any less than others. Each of us have our own race to run. You can't run another person's race; neither can another person run your race.

From Lynn (when I asked if I could share her story) - Pursue your dreams. Nothing is impossible with God!!


Anonymous said...

Jean: Hey, nice article. Dare to pursue your dreams!

Bannes said...

Hi Kermit,My name is Bannes.Nice to meet you.
I'd like to ask you about your friend who were have a course in Switzerland.
I've apply atlast year.
but i'm really worry about the entry test on next year.
can you intoduce her to me?
I'm really appreciate if you can help me.
My e-mail is
please introduce me to her.
Thank you and Have a Nice day Kermit.