Monday, October 30, 2006

Who Needs the Opposite Sex more? Males or Females?

This is something new to me. Generally the media portray women as the ones that turns psychotic / harbour a broken heart for the rest of their life / do some really weird stuff when the "love of their life" leaves.

See gals! It's possible, it's proven! You can CHOOSE to take a hold on yourself & be strong! The memories & hurt linger the longest because one CHOOSES to hold tightly to the past memories and refuses to let go. It's almost as if you want to try your very best to remember & replay all the past happy moments you had together.

The sad news is this. Until you CHOOSE to release those memories you will remain unhappy for just as long as you try to keep the past.

Some practial steps:
1) Throw away every single gifts you've exchange or remind you of the person
2) Stop listening to the weepy love ballads playing on 93._ station. You'll end up feeling sorry for yourself all over again
3) Share with a trusted mentor who can help you along this journey of recovery. One of them is me. Drop me a mail at if need be!