If you want to see what you've never seen before, you've got to do what you've never done before.
A good fren of mine got married a week back. Really happy for her & her sweetheart. Create Your Own!(Do bear with my sweeping statement)20 years ago I think it's most gals dream to get married. 20 years later I believe it's most gals as well as guys dream to get married!!!Some might disagree & say that cohabitation is more convenient for them & they don't wish to be tied down to someone for life. But how I feel is "If a man can't even be committed to take care of me for the rest of my life" then his empty promises of love everlasting is probably juz some sweet talking. Do I really want to waste my time with such an irresponsible guy... No thank you! I won't even know if twenty years down the road he'll just hunt around for another hot young chick.From a Christian perspective. This is how a couple takes responsibility & show commitment for each other & not juz treat love as a mad rush of feelings.Wedding Vows:(Male)I _____, take you ______, to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness.(Female)I, _____, take you ______, to be my wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'till death do us part. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness.
hi kermit..I'm one of your students from Greenview Sec 1e4..Evepreet.I thought it was lawfully wedded wife/husband?I'm having problems with planet crush though.It seems like they have forgotton my email or someone deleted my acc.How can i get a new acc?tell me how on www.weirdpuma.blogspot.complease and thank youAll the bestPumaxXx
In life, the best fruits come when we work hard for it. If you “love” someone without making commitment, it is most probably “emotional” love which would fade away after time or when bad times comes. I personally know a friend who stood by his wife faithfully when she broke down with mental illness. In his own words "I truly understand the meaning of the wedding vow I took at our wedding : To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part.”I think my friend had kept to his committment to his wife. It was not easy and there were times he felt like giving up. But he persisted. And because of that, both of them personally experienced to a certain extent love of the greatest love : “Love that always protect, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”
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hi kermit..I'm one of your students from Greenview Sec 1e4..Evepreet.I thought it was lawfully wedded wife/husband?I'm having problems with planet crush though.It seems like they have forgotton my email or someone deleted my acc.How can i get a new acc?tell me how on www.weirdpuma.blogspot.com
please and thank you
All the best
In life, the best fruits come when we work hard for it. If you “love” someone without making commitment, it is most probably “emotional” love which would fade away after time or when bad times comes.
I personally know a friend who stood by his wife faithfully when she broke down with mental illness. In his own words "I truly understand the meaning of the wedding vow I took at our wedding : To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part.”
I think my friend had kept to his committment to his wife. It was not easy and there were times he felt like giving up. But he persisted. And because of that, both of them personally experienced to a certain extent love of the greatest love : “Love that always protect, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.”
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