Read this article on the papers recently. Thought it was scary.
(Summarised version)
Sales lady Candy was stalked by a customer whom she tried selling some items to. Initially the man BB seemed harmless enough, coming by the make shift booth with 4 kids in tow - his nieces & nephews. As a sales person she was friendly & helpful naturally. They exchanged numbers upon his request.
The nightmare begins... BB started sending Candy loads of sms & persistently calling her up. When she decline to meet him, he accuses her of looking down on him due to his lack of education. Feeling bad she relented and agree to meet him once at a public place. One or two more meetings follow after that as Candy finds it difficult to reject his insistent advances. Eventually she couldn't take the repeated calls, various requests to meet up & started avoided & ignoring him. To her horrors BB found out where she stays and sent her letters of threats & even smashes glass bottles at her house - totally tramuatising Candy & her family.
Unable to cope with it any further Candy made a police report & BB was arrested. For Candy her troubles does not end here... "What would happen after he is released...It's only a few weeks...."
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A fren of mine was recently stalked as well. As I discussed with her we came up with some good-tips.
1) Share with a trusted adult
2) Be more thick skinned than the stalker - do not even entertain with any sms replies. Simply ignore all the way. Otherwise he/she may thinks that you're interested
3) Avoid being emotionally blackmailed. (See above)
Sales lady Candy was stalked by a customer whom she tried selling some items to. Initially the man BB seemed harmless enough, coming by the make shift booth with 4 kids in tow - his nieces & nephews. As a sales person she was friendly & helpful naturally. They exchanged numbers upon his request.
The nightmare begins... BB started sending Candy loads of sms & persistently calling her up. When she decline to meet him, he accuses her of looking down on him due to his lack of education. Feeling bad she relented and agree to meet him once at a public place. One or two more meetings follow after that as Candy finds it difficult to reject his insistent advances. Eventually she couldn't take the repeated calls, various requests to meet up & started avoided & ignoring him. To her horrors BB found out where she stays and sent her letters of threats & even smashes glass bottles at her house - totally tramuatising Candy & her family.
Unable to cope with it any further Candy made a police report & BB was arrested. For Candy her troubles does not end here... "What would happen after he is released...It's only a few weeks...."

A fren of mine was recently stalked as well. As I discussed with her we came up with some good-tips.
1) Share with a trusted adult
2) Be more thick skinned than the stalker - do not even entertain with any sms replies. Simply ignore all the way. Otherwise he/she may thinks that you're interested
3) Avoid being emotionally blackmailed. (See above)
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