Thursday, January 04, 2007

What would you do?

I came across this very depressing blog. It's real, it's not made up or stuff. The writer of the blog was very depressed, upset, emotional. She's apparently giving up her boyfriend to her best friend. She's semi suicidal and she's resorting to slashing herself (at least that's what she claims in her entry) to release her "pain".
What would you do if you were me? A mere stranger who chanced upon such a blog? Can I help her? Or watch her waste away?

Please type your reply in the comments not the tagboard. Thanks.


Wai Mun said...

It is indeed a sad case =( For someone to slash oneself means there are intense hurts and pain in that person that he or she do not know how to release.

Hopefully you can advise and comfort her through adding comments in her tagboard or blog entries. And hopefully she would be open to hear you out. Lay hold of 2Cor 1 : 3-4!

Anonymous said...

aiya. when a person is so depress, its quite hard to reach her. its like, she's shut in her own world.
and..i think, it will be better to talk to her face to face rather then leave a msg on her tagboard. but that's the least that you, as an outsider, can do for her lah.

maybe, u just tell her that there are better men out there, if she can just stop cutting herself and open her eyes, she might meet one who is better then the one she is giving to her best friend!

i'm not helping..i guess. *haha*

Anonymous said...

eh, whats that person 's blog add?

Elkan said...

Let me offer another perspective.

Poor guy. Anyone ever spare a thought for him about how he feels? That his gf is abandoning him to another person? I wonder if they are even bf/gf in the first place, if there's no trust or communication between them.

Elkan said...

On a softer note: Relationship issues, 第三者 better not get involved as you may never know the full picture. It's easy to pass judgement without understanding the real issues. Anyway r/s issues need the involved parties to resolve. The persons involved may not want to resolve it in the first place, so better not 插手。