Tuesday, January 09, 2007

What would you do? (part 2)

To clarify why I didn't post what the gal actually posted in her blog but described what I read instead. This is because whatever you post on the Net is freely accessible, anyone could have easily search out who she is.

I checked up with a counsellor friend of mine. According to him, from the counselling point of view -> It's difficult to help someone who's unwilling to be help.
Been following up on her blog. She seems better now; has stopped talking about slashing herself though most of her post still revolved about her relationship woes. I guess she's just pouring her "sorrows". Not a major problem.... just that the whole world gets to read it. And if you see your name/school name up there in the blog...well well well, I won't want to think what kind of confrontation would follow.


Wai Mun said...

Good to hear that the girl is okay. Life is too precious to waste it on momentary troubles.

To me, the guideline when I blog is whether I dare to share with people the things I write. Writing a entry in a blog is like making a public announcement in the virtual world. Therefore, I do think twice with what I write so that I do not unintentionally hurt myself or others.

Btw, check out my 1st blog entry of 2007

Anonymous said...

aiyo. i think this kind of people just want some attention which, maybe, she cant get from the people around her.

eh why if we see our name/school name, "confrontation would follow"?