Monday, November 06, 2006

I lost my voice! (2)

Continuation from when I first lost my voice check it out here

As of today I got 20% of my voice back. But still can't exert can feel the strain in the throat. Checked out with a doctor friend of mine. Most probably it's acute inflammation due to virus. Usually resolves within 3 weeks. Though it was actually quite fun in the start not being able to talk but it soon turn to exasperation in some occasions. But there were some good & funny stuff that came out of this as well.

**I took a cab on Friday and had to resort to typing my destination on sms to show the cab driver. When I alighted the uncle insisted on taking $10 from me though the meter was reading $10.60. I was really touched. To think that I was still hallucinating what if he drive me to some ulu place & I'm not able to shout for help. Thanks uncle though I didn't manage to see your car plate number. God bless you!

** I'm currently speaking in a whispery voice now not using my vocal cords. Previously I sounded like an orc from Lord of the Rings when I could speak a little. And to my amusement some of my gal-friends replied back in the small little whisper. Some of them really forgot. Funny!

** My mom was really worried for me before she left for holiday with my dad. She was like "You cannot talk still go to work for what!!!!" Much as I tried to hand-signal that though I lost my voice my body could still pretty much function. Anyway I did went for another check on Thursday as I was also getting worried about this sudden lost of voice. To my greatest amazement the doctor gave me 2 days MC. She said that viral infection unlike bacteria infection needs the body immune system to be strong & fight the virus so the body should rest as much as possible. Mommy's right! :p Oh my sister bought me voice gums too. So nice of her!

** And my kind colleagues who covered my duties as well.

** I wondered alot why I lost my voice without any rhyme or reason. I haven't fully understand yet. I shall keep asking I'm sure everything happens for a reason & there is no concidence! TELL ME WHY WHY WHY!