It's here again. Betcha know what!
If you want to see what you've never seen before, you've got to do what you've never done before.
Kermit's Cyber Wellness Pals
Kermit's Frens
- Anyone Can Cook (3)
- beauty (2)
- Coping with the Digital Era (7)
- Cyber Wellness (2)
- Encouragement (3)
- Funnies (8)
- Gal 2 Gals (16)
- Happening Life (19)
- News around the World (1)
- Random (7)
- relationship (12)
- The World is Smaller Than U Think (15)
- This is interesting (29)
- Treasuring ur family (13)
Shout it Out!!!
I've been trying really hard to locate The Lion King vcd. Looked in all the major video shops HMV, Borders, asked my frens, even trying on YouTube. Do you have it???? Anyone I found this really funny video. Laughed my heads off! Enjoys!!!
These are a really special bunch of gals. They have really grown since they first joined in 2004. The company faced a crisis this year due to the 5 day work week policy. The most frequently spoken sentence this year must be "Gals, officers cannot be with you all the time. It's going to be very tough but all of you can do it k" And my my, each of them have really grown to be a leader.
Take a look at the camp planned by them: Amazing Race @ Sentosa
It's the holidays! Being a youth worker, I have to tune in my holidays with those of the youths in school. Where I work is now a buzz of life and activity.
Where I work (as articulated by a colleague) :
On 5 Aug 2006, a cyber-wellness centre to help youths deal with issues like video game addiction through mentoring and counseling, was opened by Senior Minister of State for Law and Home Affairs Ho Peng Kee. Situated in Bukit Merah, teachers can book the centre to allow their students to experience a healthy and balanced gaming environment, under the supervision of a youth mentor. The centre aims to help youths understand why they are drawn to games, offer healthy alternatives, as well as provide mentorship through a healthy gaming environment.
Our centre has been male-dominated for the longest time but we finally had some balance when the gals came in. We started our weekly "All Gals Female Wellness" just for the ladies. Who says gals don't game. Just that they are drawn to games for different reasons. Haha.
Gals need time to warm up, ice breaker helps!
Continuation from when I first lost my voice check it out here
As of today I got 20% of my voice back. But still can't exert can feel the strain in the throat. Checked out with a doctor friend of mine. Most probably it's acute inflammation due to virus. Usually resolves within 3 weeks. Though it was actually quite fun in the start not being able to talk but it soon turn to exasperation in some occasions. But there were some good & funny stuff that came out of this as well.
**I took a cab on Friday and had to resort to typing my destination on sms to show the cab driver. When I alighted the uncle insisted on taking $10 from me though the meter was reading $10.60. I was really touched. To think that I was still hallucinating what if he drive me to some ulu place & I'm not able to shout for help. Thanks uncle though I didn't manage to see your car plate number. God bless you!
** I'm currently speaking in a whispery voice now not using my vocal cords. Previously I sounded like an orc from Lord of the Rings when I could speak a little. And to my amusement some of my gal-friends replied back in the small little whisper. Some of them really forgot. Funny!
** My mom was really worried for me before she left for holiday with my dad. She was like "You cannot talk still go to work for what!!!!" Much as I tried to hand-signal that though I lost my voice my body could still pretty much function. Anyway I did went for another check on Thursday as I was also getting worried about this sudden lost of voice. To my greatest amazement the doctor gave me 2 days MC. She said that viral infection unlike bacteria infection needs the body immune system to be strong & fight the virus so the body should rest as much as possible. Mommy's right! :p Oh my sister bought me voice gums too. So nice of her!
** And my kind colleagues who covered my duties as well.
** I wondered alot why I lost my voice without any rhyme or reason. I haven't fully understand yet. I shall keep asking I'm sure everything happens for a reason & there is no concidence! TELL ME WHY WHY WHY!
Labels: Happening Life
Children Learn What They Live
If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn . . .
If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight . . .
If a child lives with fear, he learns to be apprehensive . . .
If a child lives with pity, he learns to feel sorry for himself . . .
If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy . . .
If a child lives with jealousy, he learns to feel guilt . . .
If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient . . .
If a child lives with encouragement, he learns to be confident . . .
If child lives with praise, he learn appreciation.
If a child lives with acceptance, he learns to love . . .
If a child lives with honesty, he learns what truth is . . .
If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice . . .
If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith in himself and those about him . . .
If a child lives with friendlienss, he learns the world is a nice place in which to live . . .
by Dorothy Law Nolte
I first saw this poem was I was in primary school and my form teacher gave me a little bookmark, for Children's Day perhaps. At that time the poem was meaningless to me. I was more of like "SO MANY WORDS" kinda attitude.
Saw this again recently and thought about the environment I grew up in and how it has shaped the kind of person I am today. Better able to appreciate it now. A meaningful poem indeed.
What is past we cannot change but the future is for us to create :)
I lost my voice! Hasn't been able to talk since Monday. And I don't even know the cause of it. I didn't shout too much (no lesson these days) nor did I overeat on spicy stuff.
Sunday -> Weak voice
==Went to see doctor==
Monday -> Pain, no voice, got MC
Tuesday -> No pain, no voice
Wednesday -> No pain, no voice
Thursday -> I'm going to see the doctor again :(
Now I can only use my mobile phone to type out a message / write on paper / type on Word document if I want to communicate to others. Also I realized one other thing. When I'm sick I can display a really unhappy & black face. That was Tuesday when I went back to work. Anyway my family and colleagues were still very kind to me so I felt kinda bad after that. Okies 过就过了,明天会更好! (Translated: What is passed is passed, tomorrow is a better day!)
Labels: Happening Life
Last Friday we had our first combined Parent's Appreciation with the BB. It was good. A win-win situation! Do less gain more! (Since it's a combined effort each company did less work & end up achieving more)
Here's one of our senior gals sharing how being in GB has helped in her life. Personally I'm touched by her simple little sharing. Knowing these gals they'll never ever say such things. But as the occasion called for -> TA DA!!!!