Last weekend was special to me. Auau & myself met up with our friend YanYan. She was the first among our group of friends to get married. She had a baby gal not toolong after that - Paige. Ohhhhhh she's so cute!!!!!!!!!I was amazed at how much YanYan slim down after her pregnancy. Not that she was fat just that I've heard horror stories of how a woman stays BIG after having kids... I even clarified with her if she took pills or something.
After I carried Paige & took a short walk round the restaurant that we were eating I realized how YanYan slim down. I mean baby Paige is heavy you know. My arms were aching by the time I put her down. No wonder YanYan is now like slimer than before.
Note: YanYan is a working full time taking care of her baby. She commented that no matter how tired she is but when she gets home & see baby Paige smile at her so innocently her heart just melts. Something funny as well that she mentioned, no matter how tired/frustrated sometimes she might get she can't just flush the baby down the toilet right? How true :)
If you want to see what you've never seen before, you've got to do what you've never done before.
Kermit's Cyber Wellness Pals
Kermit's Frens
- Anyone Can Cook (3)
- beauty (2)
- Coping with the Digital Era (7)
- Cyber Wellness (2)
- Encouragement (3)
- Funnies (8)
- Gal 2 Gals (16)
- Happening Life (19)
- News around the World (1)
- Random (7)
- relationship (12)
- The World is Smaller Than U Think (15)
- This is interesting (29)
- Treasuring ur family (13)
Shout it Out!!!
I had a lot of "first time" at this camp. Another first is dancing in front of 200 people. Haha!
Every group had to do a presentation and my group did a mass dance. I was very serious about mastering the dance. So much so that one of my group mates told me to relax a bit & have fun! Enjoy the process of learning, having fun, relax, relax, RELAX!
Come on we don't have to be perfect all the time. If we fail just stand up, SMILE & try again!
Part I - 1st part of dance & two of the team mates sharing
Part II - 2nd part of dance (I was pretty off sync here, hahha!)
The Internet is powerful. Very very powerful. Look at how it has crept into almost all areas of our lives in such a short time.
And along with the Internet it has changed many many things which people has never thought possible before. (Just like before the first airplane came about no one ever thought they could fly right)
I received a wonderful article this morning of how the Internet has helped a young man fulfilled his dream.Summarised version (by kermit for easy reading): Aspiring artist Duane Keiser spends one to three hours daily working on postcard paintings that he posts to a blog to sell on Ebay.
On Keiser's blog and the blogs of scores of other mostly non-famous artists who make small original paintings nearly every day and sell them for as little as $100 each. It doesn't make them rich, but it allows them to make a living as an artist, and it could make some of them famous.
The Internet makes it possible for anyone to be an artist.
Full version
(Girl With Red Hat, an original oil painting by Justin Clayton - another blogger artist)
This is probably the best video I have ever seen on youtube (or any other video sharing site)...
Saw this on my fren's blog. And I absolutely agree with him. It's definitely worth the 4 minutes and 14 secs of your life.
You are SPECIAL! Did anyone tell you that before? Now now what are you thinking? It need not be a boy telling his girlfriend or a girl telling her boyfriend sort of thing.
Well then again my parents are the chinese chinese kind, they tend not to say such mushy things to me. Hahaha.
I said that before. Not just to one person….. to a whole group of them.
They are my students from 1U 2006. For first time in my life I prepared and did magic tricks for my students. They really touched my heart with their simplicity and open heart. They are not the sit down quietly guai guai listen copy notes type. Though they tend to talk loudly & is noisier in class but (even as I’m writing this) hey! they are just being themselves. Not hiding behind a mask, not assuming another identity just to please others.
Hey 1U, you are SPECIAL. Do you know that. Thank you for being so REAL to me!
Summarised version (by kermit for easy reading): Singpore beauty queen cum part time model owns a blog, post photos on blog. One day a man went up to her and asked if she was his online friend. And to her greatest horrors!!!!!!!! Found out that someone has been using her photos pretending to be her & cheating money out of men.
Full version (as reported on Newpaper on 14th Aug 2006): As a beauty queen and part-time model, she's used to having her photos circulated widely. Like many people, she has also posted personal photos on her blog. But Miss Amanda Low, 26, had no idea that someone would use her pictures to seduce men in an online scam.
These pictures were sent by "Kalene" to Mr Michael Poh, supposedly of herself. They are really of Miss Amanda Low.
Once the men become smitten with the attractive girl in the pictures, the impostor would 'sweet-talk' them into giving her money. She would tell a sob story and ask for a loan, with the money to be transferred to her bank account. When the men ask to meet her, she would make excuses not to do so. If they insisted, she would then stop all contact, leaving them with no way of recovering their money.
Miss Low, who was Miss Chinese World in the Miss Singapore-Chinatown 2005 pageant, believes that at least five men have fallen victim to the cyber cheat.
She also won the Miss Friendship title in the Miss Asia-Pacific 2006 pageant.
It was purely by chance that she found out what her photos were being used for.
One man who almost got conned by the impostor had spotted Miss Low at an exhibition in Singapore Expo last month. Miss Low, who has been modelling part-time for seven years, told The New Paper on Sunday: 'I was giving out brochures when I noticed a man staring at me strangely. 'He came up to me after 15 minutes and asked if I knew him.'
She was taken aback by Mr Michael Poh's direct manner. Mr Poh, 26, who runs a food stall in Toa Payoh, told her that she looked exactly like the pictures of a woman he knew as 'Kalene'.
He said 'Kalene', whom he had met on the Internet, had tried to borrow $3,000 from him.
Miss Low said: 'I was shocked that my photographs were being used to cheat men. I would not have found out if not for the chance meeting with Michael.'
She was in for another shock.
After she and Mr Poh exchanged more details about 'Kalene', Miss Low found out that she was the same woman who had impersonated her in 2001.
The two women were friends then.
'Kalene' had sent out Miss Low's photos in Internet chatrooms, claiming to be the woman in the pictures.
Miss Low recalled: 'I found out about it when my friend happened to get the photos.
'I also learnt that her online 'boyfriend' would transfer money to her, thinking she was me.'
When confronted, 'Kalene' apologised profusely.
Miss Low said: 'She told me she did it because she felt inferior to me. I let her off with a warning after she promised never to do it again.' Twice bitten, Miss Low decided to make a police report this time as she is worried that 'Kalene' might have conned other men.
She showed us a copy of the report dated 6 Aug.
Through her own investigations, Miss Low said 'Kalene' could have cheated at least five men.
She said: 'If she's been cheating men like this since 2001, who knows how many more victims are out there? 'What if one of her victims sees me on the streets and beats me up because he thinks I ran away with his money?'
Now, whenever she stays out late, she always makes sure she is not alone.
'I hope the men who have been conned can contact me so I can press charges against her. Now it's just my and Michael's words against her,' said Miss Low. The police have confirmed that they are investigating the case. Miss Low gave us 'Kalene's' contact number and real name.
We called the number a few times over three days.
Each time, a woman answered to the name given by Miss Low, but when asked about this case, she said she was too busy to talk.
Mr Poh related how he got to know 'Kalene' in January last year when he chanced upon her blog. He has a blog too.
He said: 'It's my hobby to browse through blogs. This blog was different because there were photos of her manicured and pedicured nails, handbag, laptop - everything but a photo of her face.
'This made me even more curious to see what she looks like. So I e-mailed her and asked for her MSN Messenger address.' He has e-mailed female strangers before in the hope of befriending them and has dated one of them. Mr Poh, who did not have a girlfriend then, was elated when 'Kalene' replied soon after. They started chatting every day on MSN.
'We talked about all sorts of things like our hobbies. After a week, I asked for her photo and phone number.' She then e-mailed three photographs to Mr Poh. They showed an attractive woman striking different poses.
Mr Poh was immediately attracted to the woman in the pictures.
'She was so pretty. And from the way she wrote in her blog, I could tell she had brains too,' he said. 'I was interested in her and wanted to ask her out.'
He got her number and they chatted over the phone every day.
'You could say we had a relationship going. We would say quite mushy things to each other,' he said. 'Kalene' said she was an accounts assistant.
Soon after they met online, she told Mr Poh that she was having problems at work.
He said: 'She wanted to quit and asked for my opinion. I told her if she doesn't like the job, she should quit.'
But 'Kalene' claimed she had to pay two months' salary totalling $5,000 if she quit without giving notice.
Mr Poh said: 'She told me she had $2,000 in savings and asked to borrow $3,000 from me.
'I agreed to lend it to her, but told her she would have to meet me.'
But 'Kalene' claimed she was not free and asked him to transfer the money to her bank account.
That was when Mr Poh began to smell a rat.
He said: 'She just refused to meet me and gave all kinds of excuses.
'Once, I tried to meet her after her dance practice, but she didn't turn up. Her handphone was off.'
After 'Kalene' stood him up, she did not contact him for a few months.
'Maybe she was mad at me for not lending her the money. I no longer saw her on MSN, probably because she blocked me,' he said.
Mr Poh started going out with another girl, but the relationship ended after a few months.
Feeling depressed, he wrote about the break-up in his blog.
Around that time, 'Kalene' got in touch with him again.
He said: 'I was feeling down. We started talking again. I don't know if she contacted me again because she wanted money from me.'
He admitted he was still interested in 'Kalene'. But although he wanted to date her, he was confused.
A friend had told him she saw her pictures on someone else's blog on Friendster, a social networking website.
When Mr Poh asked 'Kalene' about it, she brushed it off, saying the blogger was probably using her pictures to pretend to be her.
'I didn't know who to believe,' he said.
That is, until he saw Miss Low at Singapore Expo.
'I stared at her for 15 minutes to make sure she was the same girl in the pictures,' he said. 'I then called Kalene's handphone.
'She answered and said she was at home sleeping. It was then that I knew she had used the photos to trick me.'
This experience has taught him a lesson he will always remember.
'Never ever believe what you read and see on the Internet.'