Friday, June 02, 2006

Melaka is juz GREAT! (Day 3)

Day 3 (13th May)
All activities today were held indoors. The guys and gals were splitted up into separate groups.

~~Image of a Woman (Desirable values of a lady)~~

For the ladies, Mrs Julie picked up from where she left off the previous night. We explore further on what are some desirable values of a lady. I’ll just share on the value that was assigned my group=> “to be KIND”

Qn 1) What are some personal struggles we have on being kind?
- When we feel that our kindness was taken advantage of
- After a long tiring day we just don’t feel like being kind
- Some people just get on our nerves…

Qn 2) Just how kind is kind? (As in… some people are naturally very nice. Are they kind? Or it’s already part of them?)
- A wonderful lady in my group PP shared something that just turned on the light bulb in my head. “Do unto others how you want others to do unto you”. Basically treat others as how you would treat yourself. You won’t mistreat yourself right? *flashing light bulbs*
- Are you kind simply because you want your kindness to be reciprocated? Or are you kind because you really just want to help someone in need? Ooooh.

Qn 3) How girls act UNKINDLY?
- Someone shared about a book that she read titled “Guys bully, Gals Ostracize”. Generally gals won’t go round scolding people or bully in gangs but a way a gal acts unkindly by withdrawing her attention from you. It’s sorta like you’re not in her close click of friends. Not welcome. Shoooo.

I was greatly enriched by the group discussion and Mrs Julie’s teachings. It gave me a good opportunity to reflect upon myself – the real me when no one is watching. Chimm??

~~Image of a Woman (Be comfortable… enjoy what you’re designed to be)~~

There’s a “MYSTERY” section in the programme sheet which kept all of us in great suspense. And it came as a huge surprise for me when it was finally revealed.
We’ll be waltzing! My initial thoughts were like….eeeks so awkward one, must we really go through this. Eeks! I’m definitely not going to enjoy it. Blah blah blah blah...

We were informed beforehand to bring our formal wear as if attending a wedding and strongly encouraged to wear skirts and no pants.

3-4pm: Learn waltz
4-530pm: Free time, preparation
6pm: Dinner Banquet (AAAGRH!)

The guys were “transformed” into gentlemen for that night. (Disclaimer: Not that they are not gentlemen but that it was super highlighted for that night) And the gals…..ladies. Initially it feels very weird for the gentlemen to pull our chairs; take food for us and yes invite us to dance.

However at the end of it. My conculsion is I absolutely enjoyed myself. It was not how I imagined it to be. And what I caught at the end of the day is that

Guys -> Be comfortable to be a man. Appropriate your manliness.
Gals -> Be comfortable to be a lady. Embrace your femininity.

Let’s enjoy what we’re designed to be.

Picture of PP, dinner partner Skywalker & myself. New found friends! And Skywalker is getting married in July. Congrats!!!

Important notice: Do not simply go out and sign up for any waltz courses. This was carry out in a safe and moderated environment of my church’s youth camp.