Friday, June 16, 2006

Don’t just look at the surface

Attended my friend’s wedding not too long. That’s him & his bride.
They’ve came a long way. It was NOT honeymoon period all the way. Good times, tough times, difficult times… Even a point of time they nearly gave up. Why??? Is it because they weren’t suitable for each other?

I don’t think so. Imagine if you put a dog & a cat together. Sure to fight right!

It’s the same when it comes to human beings. Two different person (different family background/upbringing/views/gender/way of life) coming together. In fact human beings are much more complex than animals so it requires even more effort to make things work out.

Lovey feelings alone are NOT sufficient to make a relationship successful. As quoted by a professional; such lovey feelings last for at most 2 years.

Commitment (If we’ve chosen each other, then we’ll do our best to make this relationship successful. I’m not taking you for granted or for fun)

Communication (You’re being unreasonable, but I’ll try my best to understand what’s going on in your mind. I want to hear you out)

JH & Wei, congratulations!

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.
(Their wedding verse)

Don’t just look at the surface; there is much more hard work that has gone into a successful relationship. Not for the faint hearted.