Friday, June 08, 2007

Let Children Express Anger

Chances are, at least once or twice during your time as a parent, you’re going to do or say something that will make your child angry with you. Should he or she be allowed to express that emotion?
If a child grows up unable to verbally express his negative emotions toward his mother or father, he will often show it in ways that psychologists call “passive aggression” instead. He may pout, wet his bed or get bad grades in school, or perhaps even eat too much.
Usually, children aren’t aware these choices are being fuelled by anger and that they are unconscious ways of expressing accumulated hostility. So, it is important to allow your children to ventilate the irritations they’ve stored inside.
On the other hand, I firmly believe children should be taught to be respectful to their parents. It is not appropriate to permit name-calling, back-talk, sassiness and disrespect. Instead, I think it’s wise to tell children that they can say anything to us, including very negative things, as long as these things are said in a respectful manner – for example:” You’ve embarrassed me in front of my friends.” Or:” Sometimes I think you love Billy more than me.”
By following this general guideline, we’re teaching children how to deal with anger, which might come in handy with their future husbands or wives.


Peter said...

What if the children express him/herself in disrespectful manner, cursing or shouting in foul language? What's your take?

kermit said...

hie peter,

Quoting from the article:
"Instead, I think it’s wise to tell children that they can say anything to us, including very negative things, as long as these things are said in a respectful manner"

I believe it's the parents' responsibility & learning journey to educate the child to express themselves in a respectful manner. And the best example of course is where the parents model for their children. Does the parent fight openly cursing each other in full view of the little child. Or do their resolve their differences in a way that they best want their little ones to emulate to emulate.

Three cheers for parents! It's indeed a heavy responsibility!

DeepOne said...

It is difficult for a child to directly express anger towards the parents in an Asian upbringing context.

kermit said...

Times have changed. Singapore is pretty much influenced by the western culture. But I agree that it mgiht not be easy in the earlier days