Sunday, February 04, 2007

I am MAD - Part II

But one day... just be prepared.... one fine day the volcano will still explode cause it's full!!! :(

Won't you like to prevent a volcano's continuous eruption? Eruption is not good. It's destructive to others & self.

Whenever I erupt. I would feel very very guilty after that. I'll just share something which I've learnt before. It's known as A, B, C. (It's a thought process that guide you step by step to better understand yourself)

Activating event
- Scolded by mother
Consequences/Consequential action
- Bang the door as I go out to show my unhappiness at being scolded
Belief system
- My mom doesn't love me

Basically because of my belief system (mother don't love me) I banged the door as an act of protest. Since she doesn't love me I bang the door she also won't care what.

In actual fact this couldn't be further away from the truth. I remember that I felt guilty after that and called home to apologize after much deliberation. She sounded really sad & said that "sorry" very easy to say but it's difficult to recover from the hurt inside.

My perception of my mom was incorrect. She loves me. She loves me enough to feel hurt by my actions.

Thank God that was years back & things has improved.

Many times people jump from A -> C-> B. But A -> B-> C is really the way to go. If we could pause a little longer to think and ask ourself what's our belief system (B) is. Then we will be able to manage our consequential actions & feelings (C) better. In my case if I know that my mom loves me then I probably would not have banged the door knowing that it will sadden her. The plus point is we probably will end up a happier person as well. :)

I'm sorry this turned out to be a complicated posting. Are you confused by all the words???? Leave me a comment perhaps & we can discuss further.


nulay said...

Hey Cynthia, appreciate your posting but in actual fact, B almost always come before C because we will actually react out of our senses and belief system first! Its natural!

But we can reflect after that can figure out what causes us to react that way. That's the time when we deal with our B!