Thursday, April 13, 2006

A Holiday

It's a holiday tomorrow! It's Good Friday! Yes I'm rejoicing cause tomorrow I can sleep late. However there's another good reason why I'm so excited about Good Friday. And the story goes this way
Jesus died on Friday & resurrected on Easter Sunday! Why must He die on a Friday and not on a Monday or Tuesday or Saturday???? Actually I'm not sure either. But I do know who Jesus died for. For you & for me. Can it be for real??? I don't even know Him but He knows who I am... you must be kidding. Well I'm not. He did. And it's all because He loves you! He is also God which is why He knows you even though you may not know Him yet.

Long story cut short. There's someone who loves you!!! And the holiday tomorrow is to remember His love for you. Wow! Do you believe?